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Page 19
For years I have been fascinated with the way events from our past have such an influence on our lives. Some events are real and horrible, some are subtle (like an insult that made a negative impact) and some are even imagined, based on wrong interpretations and faulty information. In this story, Jenny’s past contains an event that has shaped her life. It has colored the way she thinks, how she perceives comments—even who she plans to marry.
I think all of us have past issues that need to be addressed. Perhaps in reading Jenny and Burke’s story, you, my dear reader, will find encouragement to confront something in your past and allow God to heal it.
That is my prayer for you.
I love to hear from my readers. You can contact me and check out my other books at www.lindaford.org.
Burke is sure the prairies will drive Jenny home. What was there about the prairies that could frighten a person?
What did Jenny find about the prairies that charmed her?
Are there times when you can’t understand how someone could have such an opposing view from yours on some topic? Is it possible you can both be right?
Do you think Jenny’s determination to obey her parents was right or wrong? Why?
What roles did Paquette and the ranch hands play in helping Jenny and Burke to find love?
Jenny suffered a frightening event in her past. How did it shape the way she viewed herself and how she made decisions?
Have you suffered events that affect you today? Have you found someone you can share these with?
There are several things that enabled Jenny to confront her past and find healing. What were they?
Can you think of other things that might have helped?
Is there a particular verse in this story that brought you comfort? Are there other verses you would have applied in this situation?
Burke, too, had experiences that shaped him. Which one do you think was the most influential?
How would you have handled his situation if it were you?
What conclusion did Burke reach about God because of his experiences?
Would you have felt the same way? Why or why not?
How did Burke learn to trust God in the events of his life?
How do you foresee the future for Burke and Jenny? Will it be happy?
ISBN: 9781408937907
Dakota Father
© Linda Ford 2011
First Published in Great Britain in 2011
Harlequin (UK) Limited
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